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University Degrees That Give You Great Career Options

Career Options

While many of us dream of going to university, we’re not always sure exactly what it is we want to study. With university courses becoming more expensive than ever, however, you don’t just want to study something for the sake of saying you’ve been to university. There are some courses that only offer one possible career path at the end, and with high levels of competition, there is by no means a guarantee of employment. Others can lead to a variety of different careers, giving you many more options once you graduate. These are some of the best.


A course in healthcare can open many doors. It can lead to a career practicing medicine and working with patients, either as a doctor or nurse. You could specialize with children, or the elderly, or perhaps go into healthcare management or administration. If you didn’t want to work directly with patients, jobs in government, setting policy and monitoring standards, or in research would be other options. Many of these careers would require further education, but an undergraduate course in healthcare would be a great place to start.


A degree in business, leading on to an MBA would open a huge variety of career paths. MBA jobs can include, marketing, management, investment banking and even starting up your own business. Career paths for MBA graduates aren’t ever likely to stop growing, as there is so much you can do. This could be a really worthwhile degree for your future.


Teachers are always in high deman. As more people enter education, and progress through higher education courses, more teachers are needed. A teaching qualification would ensure you have a job for life.

Computer Science

So much of what we do now involves computers and the internet. Computer science degrees could be invaluable. Many industries, such as construction, media and design rely on computing a lot more than we might expect. A degree in computer science could see you become an IT expert within many different industries. Or you could become a web or software developer. The options are endless.


Marketing is an industry currently experiencing dramatic change and evolution, again revolving around the internet. Digital marketing, including social media and blog marketing,is becoming a much bigger part of how marketers work. Studying a marketing degree now, would give you an up to date knowledge of current trends and emerging strategies, giving you an advantage over those with more experience. Marketing is a great career option, as it could take you down many different paths. You could run an in-house marketing team for a large firm, or work freelance, helping many different companies with their marketing needs.

University should be a wonderful time, full of fun and learning, meeting new people, sharing experiences and making lifelong friends. You don’t want all this over shadowed by the worry that you might be wasting your time and money when you are left struggling to find work once you graduate. One of these courses could eliminate that fear.